BCA Seventh Semester old question Cyber Law and Professional Ethics 2019 batch

BCA Seventh Semester old question Cyber Law and Professional Ethics 2019 batch

Cyber Law and Professional Ethics old question 2019 batch

Code No: CACS 401

Group B

Attempt any SIX questions. [6×5=30]

2. What is H-1B Visa? Differentiate between IT security audit and risk assessment. [1+4]

3. Why it is important to include ethical consideration while making decision for any organization. [5]

4. Explain different cyber law provision available in Nepal. [5]

5. What intrusion detection system? List and explain different stages involves into e-discovery process. [2+3]

6. What is internet censorship and how does it work? [2+3]

7. Explain cybersquatting and its types? How anyone can tackle cybersquatting issue.[3+2]

8.What is whistleblowing? Why green computing is key issues for multinational companies in present. [1+4]

(Check for BCA Seventh Semester Notes)

Group C [2×10=20]

Attempt any TWO questions.

9. Why is it crucial to promote corporate social responsibility and ethical business practices? How does CSR benefits business organization. [5+5]

10. What is cybercrime? Explain different types of cybercrime with their countermeasure.[2+8]

11. What is freedom of expression? Explain the key issues related to freedom of expression with suitable example for them. [2+8]

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Abiral Acharya

Myself (Abiral Acharya) an undergraduate BCA student from Mechi Multiple Campus, Jhapa.

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