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Welcome to the BCA SEVENTH SEMESTER SYLLABUS of the BCA program at Tribhuvan University! This semester will continue to build on the foundation you have established in the previous semesters and provide you with a deeper understanding of key concepts and skills needed to excel in computer science.
View or Download the BCA seventh semester syllabus for Tribhuvan University (TU) by clicking on the download button.

S.NCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursLecture HoursTutorial HoursLab HoursDownload
1CACS401Cyber Law and Professional Ethics331
2CACS402Cloud Computing333
4N/AElective I33
5N/AElective II33
Elective subject options for the BCA SEVENTH SEMESTER SYLLABUS.
S.NCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursLecture HoursTutorial HoursLab HoursDownload
1CACS404Image Processing33
2CACS405Database Administration33
3CACS406Network Administration33
4CACS408Advanced Dot
Net Technology
6CACS410Artificial Intelligence33

In the course “Cyber Law and Professional Ethics” you will learn about the laws and regulations related to the use of technology and the ethical considerations for professionals working in the field of computer science.

In “Cloud Computing” you will learn about the different types of cloud services, their architecture, and how they are used to store and process data.

In “Internship” you will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by working on a real-world project in a professional setting.

In “Elective” you will choose from a list of courses that align with your interests and career goals, such as “Image Processing”, “Database Administration”, “Network Administration”, “Advanced Dot Net Technology”, “E-Governance” and “Artificial Intelligence”.

In “Image Processing” you will learn about the techniques and algorithms used to process and manipulate digital images, including image enhancement, restoration, segmentation, and compression.

In “Database Administration” you will learn about the concepts and practices of managing, maintaining, and securing databases, including database design, performance optimization, and backup and recovery.

In “Network Administration” you will learn about the concepts and practices of managing and maintaining computer networks, including network protocols, security, and troubleshooting.

In “Advanced Dot Net Technology” you will learn about the advanced features of the Microsoft .NET framework and how to use them to create complex web and desktop applications.

In “E-Governance” you will learn about the use of technology to improve government services and processes, including e-services, e-participation, and e-democracy.

In “Artificial Intelligence” you will learn about the concepts and techniques used to create intelligent systems, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

Overall, BCA SEVENTH SEMESTER SYLLABUS will provide you with an in-depth understanding of advanced concepts in computer science and technology and will help prepare you for a career in this field. Good luck with your studies!

BCA Eight Semester Syllabus

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