DotNet Technology Question BCA Fifth Semester 2020 Batch
Here’s the DotNet Technology Question of BCA Fifth Semester 2020 Batch (Exam held on May 2024)
Group B
Attempt any SIX questions. [ 6 * 5 =30 ]
2. What is managed code? Give reason to justify the statement “DOT NET framework is platform independent and Language interoperability”. [1+4]
3. What is optional parameter? Write a C# program which stores values in two enumerations, Department and College. It uses two functions to display the data contained in Department and College enumerations. [1+4]
4. What is difference between value type and reference type in C#? Explain the concept of boxing and unboxing with suitable program. [2+3]
5. What is interface? Explain with suitable program, how interface can be used to perform multiple inheritance? [1 + 4]
6. What are use of finalizer in C#? Explain with suitable program, how base keyword is used to call member function and constructor of parent class? [1 + 4]
7. What are keyword used in exception handling? Write a C# program to handle IndexOutOfRangeException and InvalidCastException. [1+2+2]
8. What is query syntax in LINQ? Explain the standard query operators “select”, “contains”, “orderBy” and “whe re” in LINQ with suitable example [1 + 4]
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Group C
Attempt any TWO questions. [2 * 10 = 20]
9. a. What is an event? Explain with suitable program, how event is handled in C#. [1 + 4]
b. What is Lambda expression? Explain the concept of generic delegates with program. [1+4]
10. How this keyword is used to declare indexer? Write C# program to overload unary (++) and relational (==) operator. [2+4+4]
11. What are component of ASP.NET? Explain various validation server control in ASP.NET with suitable program. [2+8]
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