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Nepali Blood Donors: A Mobile-Based Solution for Blood Donation in Nepal

Nepal, like many other countries, is facing the ongoing challenge of ensuring an adequate and safe blood supply for its population. In many cases, lack of blood leads to a loss of lives, particularly among the most vulnerable people like children and pregnant women. To solve this urgent issue, a mobile-based application named Nepali Blood Donors (NBD) was released on 19 June 2021.

What is Nepali Blood Donor?

Developed by Girija Prasad Bhattarai, NBD is a comprehensive blood bank system that brings together various health services on a single platform. With this application, users can find donors near their location, request and share blood requests, search for blood banks, become donors, add, and share events related to blood donation, find ambulances, access news and blogs on health issues, manage their profiles and donor cards, and keep track of their donation history.

In addition to the above features, Nepali Blood Donors has also recently added two exciting new features – a health calculator and a health news section. The health calculator allows users to calculate their BMI (Body Mass Index), BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), and other health-related metrics. By typing in their weight, height, age, and other essential information, users can get customized health insights that can help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The health news section of NBD provides users with the latest news and updates on health-related issues. From COVID-19 updates to new research findings, the section discusses a wide range of topics that are relevant to the health and well-being of the Nepali population. Users can access the news section anytime and stay informed about the latest developments in the field of health.

Developed by Girija Prasad Bhattarai, Nepali Blood Donors is a comprehensive blood bank

One of the main features of NBD is its ability to find the nearest donor based on the user’s location. This is especially useful in emergencies where time is of the essence. By having a database of donors with their blood groups and contact details, Nepali Blood Donors can quickly match donors with recipients and facilitate blood transfusions.

Another feature of NBD is its event management system that enables users to add and share blood donation events with others. This feature encourages community involvement and raises awareness about the importance of blood donation. Furthermore, NBD also provides information about all blood banks and ambulances located in Nepal, which makes it easier for users to access these vital services when needed.

The application also has a news and notice section that keeps users informed about health issues and events associated with blood donation. In addition, lets users manage their profiles and donor cards on the app, which can be used as proof of donation or membership to Nepali Blood Donors.

Some of the key features of Nepali Blood Donors are :
  • Find nearest donor
  • Request for blood
  • Search blood bank
  • Become donor
  • Find and add an ambulance
  • Manage donation history
  • Profile and doner card
  • Add and share events

Nepali Blood Donors is not just a platform for blood donation; it is also a community that promotes the culture of voluntary blood donation. By registering as donors on the app, users can contribute to building a viable and reliable blood supply in Nepal. The app also encourages users to share their donation history with others, which can inspire more people to become donors and save lives.

In sum, Nepali Blood Donors is a mobile-based solution that addresses the urgent need for a sufficient and safe blood supply in Nepal. Its all-encompassing the functionality, user-friendly interface, and community-building aspect make it a valuable tool for anyone interested in blood donation and health services. As more people have become aware of the app and its benefits, we can hope to see significantly improving availability of blood and the reduction of avoidable deaths due to blood scarcity. By downloading the app at you will become a part of the NBD community today.

Here’s how you can find lost item in Nepal.

Abiral Acharya

Myself (Abiral Acharya) an undergraduate BCA student from Mechi Multiple Campus, Jhapa.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Arun Lohar

    I am a regular donor, but i didnt use smartphone,

    but you are doing great, keep it up

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