Tailoring Management system BCA Fourth Semester Project 2024

Tailoring Management system BCA Fourth Semester Project

Tailoring Management System (TMS) is a web-based application for tailoring business for taking orders, generating bills, storing customers details, storing customers measurements and tracking order status. This application is made for the small-scale tailor businesses to organize the orders from customers and provide order status to them. The main focus of the application is creating and recording customers’ invoice and orders.

Tailoring Management System

BCA Fourth Semester Project Sample – Tailor Management system

Tailor Management system BCA Fourth Semester Project Presentation

Tailoring Management system BCA Fourth Semester Project

(Use of the report without the permission of the author is extremely prohibited)

Bcapoint team values the project on Tailoring Management system from Mr. Achyut Chapagain, a student of BCA at Mechi Multiple Campus Bhadrapur, Jhapa

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BCA Fifth Semester MIS and E- Business Project

Abiral Acharya

Myself (Abiral Acharya) an undergraduate BCA student from Mechi Multiple Campus, Jhapa.

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