DSA MCQ 2023
i. What is the overflow condition in a queue?
- Rear < Front
- Front == SIZE – 1
- Rear == SIZE – 1
- Front == Rear
ii. What is the postfix of the expression A + B * C / D?
- AB + C * D /
- ABC + * D /
- ABCD + * /
- ABCD / * +
iii. For a tree with n nodes, what will be the number of edges?
- n – edges
- n – 1 edges
- 2n edges
- n / 2 edges
iv. Which of the following heap trees contains nodes with values smaller or equal to the value in the parent node?
- Min-heap
- Max-heap
- Min-max heap
- Max-min heap
v. If there are n nodes in a binary tree, what will be the minimum height of the binary tree?
- n
- n – 1
- nlogn
- logn
vi. In which category does Dijkstra’s algorithm belong?
- Single source shortest path problem
- Single destination shortest path problem
- Single pair shortest path problem
- All pair shortest path problem
vii. Which of the Following is the Worst-case scenario for the quicksort algorithm?
- When elements are exactly partitioned into two halves
- When elements are randomly positioned
- When elements are already sorted
- When elements are merged by joining equal halves
viii. Which type of algorithm benefits from the reusability of code?
- Deterministic algorithms
- Non-deterministic algorithms
- Parallel algorithms
- Divide and conquer algorithm
ix. Which of the following searching algorithm has a time complexity of O(log n)?
- Sequential search
- Binary search
- Depth-first search
- Breadth-first search
x. Which of the following techniques in hashing has the consequences clustering problem?
- Linear probing
- Quadratic probing
- Double hashing
- Rehashing